

The Qenetex stage is planned to fill in as a connection between client reserves and different crypto administrations. The clients can at the same time deal with their assets safely put away in the Qenetex wallets and access an assortment of accumulated administrations joined in one connection point without the need to switch between many separate stages. Such a methodology altogether brings down the limit for entering the universe of digital forms of money for unpracticed clients. For more experienced ones, it permits them to improve and scale their exercises.


The Qenetex group centers around creating innovations and working on the nature of administrations that have genuine applications. We want to fabricate a scaffold between computerized resources and the genuine area of the economy, in view of decentralization innovation and worldwide blockchains. Our central goal is to get and keep a free trade between individuals, autonomous of political changes and moderate monetary models. We endeavor to guarantee that our clients approach their resources all day, every day anyplace on the planet and can settle on free choices with respect to their administration.


In light of this arrangement of values, we chose to seek after the improvement of non-custodial advancements. Our first task is a non-custodial stage for overseeing digital currency resources. It depends on decentralization innovation, hence permitting clients to control their assets without any help with no chance of impedance for instance, account hindering by outsiders, including Qenetex.


To deal with the organization plan of action as well as permit clients to collaborate with the inward results of the stage and partake in different Qenetex projects like Loyalty, Cashback, Farming, and Governance programs, the Qenetex group fostered an inner utility token — Qenetex (QEX). QEX is an undeniable crypto resource made on the Binance Smart Chain convention

The token is utilized in all Qenetex administrations (Exchange, Buy/Sell, MultiTrade, amassed DeFi, and NFT), working with the conveyance of commissions and cashback for clients taking part in exchange processes. At the focal point of the symbolic appropriation and dissemination model stands the QEX Pool that drives the Qenetex biological system. All the while, the whole biological system is centered around making and keeping up with this pool. A steady and supportable model of the pool activity is ensured through the improvement of the biological system and the action and development of the local area, guaranteeing the normal natural importance of QEX use.


The Qenetex token (QEX) is an inside component of the Qenetex stage with various situations for its utilization. These situations can be partitioned generally into a few classifications:
- Stage expenses and installments
- Cashback Program
- Dependability Program
- Cultivating Programs
- Token Usage Tax
- Restricted Airdrops
- Launchpool
- Liquidity Providing
- Administration/Voting
Every one of these classifications infers the dynamic utilization of the token by clients. Additionally, a portion of the Qenetex administrations are firmly interconnected, in this manner adding to a steady dissemination of the tokens inside and outside of the stage.


This pool is renewed through:
● buyback of the tokens while trading commission installments collected from a steady inflow of commissions from clients’ activities
● flow of the tokens inside the Qenetex biological system all things considered, renewal happens by sending commissions and inward installments for the stage’s administrations to the pool
● charge installments from exchanges of clients without a faithfulness level

The two primary undertakings of the pool are to guarantee the nonstop steady activity of the Cashback Program and the gasless exchanges innovation and give awards to members of the extra projects. Also, a critical component of the pool structure is the Growth Pool, framed to help and further foster the Qenetex biological system. The most consideration is paid to such attributes of the Qenetex token as its wide dispersion and outflow, issuance, and expansion boundaries. At Qenetex, we accept it is urgent to guarantee a manageable symbolic conveyance model to open its maximum capacity and guarantee the financial security of the biological system. Considering the qualities depicted above, we fostered a technique for giving and circulating the token. The critical elements of this technique are:
● the restricted, fixed size of the symbolic emanation
● slow arrival of assets into course
● arrangement of the Growth Pool with the abundance assets from the fundamental pool, passing on the sum important to guarantee the activity of the whole biological system.
● appealing and enormous scope extra projects.
● the decent construction of the underlying symbolic discharge.

Cashback Program
One of the fundamental undertakings of the token is to permit clients to limit the expense of commissions across all administrations of the Qenetex stage and get awards for tasks with the chance of additional use of the got tokens inside the framework. Accordingly, our group made the Cashback Program, covering the accompanying region of the stage’s administrations:
- Purchase/Sell — cashback is gotten for each finished activity of trading digital currency for government issued currency through the associated suppliers
- Trade — cashback is gotten for each trade finished through the Exchange Search Engine that totals DEXes, incorporated trades, liquidity suppliers, and so on
- Multitrade — cashback comes for buying into cutting edge usefulness, expanded limits, and other inside administrations.
- Totaled DeFi — cashback is paid for performing credit/acquire activities with the commission installments from outer suppliers.
- NFT buys — cashback is gotten for the acquisition of NFTs inside the Qenetex stage and paid with the assets from the reference programs presented by incorporated commercial centers.


Cashback is paid in the Qenetex token, empowering moment installments after the exchange fulfillment. It ought to be noticed that the Cashback Program turns out just for individuals who have joined the Loyalty Program depicted underneath. To help the activity of moment cashback installments, Qenetex presents the Cashback Provision program. Its members add to the arrangement of the cashback installments’ hold by putting their assets in the pool while commission installments from the Qenetex accomplices and different wellsprings of pool recharging are gathering. For keeping up with the dependability of cashback installments, pool individuals get rewards.


Website : https://qenetex.com/
Whitepaper : https://qenetex.com/wp.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/Qenetex
Twitter : https://twitter.com/qenetex
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Qenetex
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/qenetex
Youtube : https://www.instagram.com/qenetex


Bitcointalk Username: Aleksandr Yerokhin

BitcoinTalk Profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3157015

Gmail: attaattu66@gmail.com

Telegram Username: https://t.me/AleksandrYerokhin6

Wallet Address: 0xaeBBdaf9995b54B2d308CE90f1b7B14D55AddA04


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